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Ally Harris

Woman at a Driving Range

“Under the philosophy that now seems to guide our destinies, nothing must get in the way of the man with the spray gun.” -Rachel Carson, Silent Sprint

Orbs splash in water

spread in order to take

groomed & hit by force,

bestowed a copper

wish blot white.

With girls it made

want a soft strike.

To till the driving I

into infected give.

As land, sex touched them

& asked only to know, refusing

other, holding lush for true

in land-green lacquer. Still,

jowls. Then pounds & bright

strikes on I until it’s how

it wanted to pass

by they, & then it was easier,

& it was me (was it me?)

holding the spray, dosing/taming

a biome in mellow light.


Ally Harris is the author of three chapbooks of poetry, Dispersal (The Song Cave, 2019), Her Twin Was After Me (Slim Princess Holdings, 2014) and floor baby (dancing girl press, 2011). She graduated from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop with an MFA in Poetry and is the poetry editor of Submission Reading Series in Portland, OR.

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