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Erin Mizrahi

I am living on an island

which is a metaphor for how I

feel but is also an actual island I’m

behind on my everything I’ve been

tired for generations most days I don’t

know what day it is slept through a

workshop on motherhood & capitalism &

I’m certain that means something about

vulnerability & how now that I’m just

milk & lullaby all I want is to make you

laugh when you ask how I’m doing you

ever just want to watch videos of coral

spawning a whole constellation under

water thinking no one is ever hydrated &

even the sea is losing itself


Erin Mizrahi (she/they) is a writer, collaborator, artist and co-founder of the lit mag, Cobra Milk. A Pushcart nominee and a recipient of fellowships from Asylum Arts and the Institute for Jewish Creativity, they hold a PhD in Comparative Literature, Media and Culture. Their writing appears in Ginger Zine, Ben Yehuda Press, Yes Poetry and elsewhere. Erin lives in Honolulu and on twitter @erinmizrahi.

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