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The Two Languages Prize celebrates the fullness in the language practices, identities, and voices we engage in/with in order to speak. The prize seeks to publish collections of poetry/hybrid either

a) translated from Korean or

b) original works composed in any combination of  Korean and English over any theme or topic.

The winner of the 2024 prize will receive $500 + publication in early Spring 2026 (including our standard royalties and author copies). 


The 2024 Winner â€‹


Mina Khan 

small creatures​​

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Mina Khan was awarded an honorary mention by the American Academy of Poets and authored the chapbook, MON-monuments, monarchs & monsters (Sputnik & Fizzle, 2020.) She holds an MFA from Columbia University, and has been featured or is forthcoming in Epiphany Magazine, Tupelo Quarterly, Passengers Journal, Pigeon Pages, the Margins, and more.



Mina Khan’s small creatures is a tender, album-like retelling of the immigrant family post-American Dream. Drawing upon her Korean-Pakistani heritage, Khan discusses the NYC bodega in a gentrifying neighborhood, the aging body, and a rapidly deteriorating climate. Everyday violences-and the vivid joys that persevere.


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